So, we created an arch to span the new promenade area (still under construction)at Allianz (SFS) Stadium. Here is Hannah and Wendy holding the ladies!
The punters could all see the arch from some distance as they approached the stadium, and they all got to walk under it.
Go Roosters!!
They also wanted to have a sea of red, white and blue on the field to pay tribute to the late Arthur 'Artie' Beetson. Bring in 300 kids from the local footy teams and give them a 16" balloon each, and let them loose on the ground.
300x16" balloons distributed in double quick time was a bit of a logistical challenge, but the balloons definitely did the trick. A sea of red, white and blue.
It is noteworthy that the Roosters paid extra to do the right thing, and have a balloon weight individually tied to each of the 300 balloons, so the NSW State Gov't (illogical)law of not releasing balloons could be adhered to.
The Roosters had hoped the release the balloons at the end of the memorial to farewell Big Artie. Would have been a powerful and lovely gesture, and I have been to funerals (in other states) where this has taken place. However, in the great state of NSW the government has a ban on this practice - no other state has this ban, mind you....just NSW.....!!
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